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Crafting Uncharted Stories in Dungeon Saga - A Story Builder Concept

Hi fellow Delvers, Another new piece from me today, it's early concept stuff but I wanted to see if it has legs before I develop it further and flesh out the content. What I've come up with is the idea for a story & scenario builder that could be used with the Uncharted Dungeon cards to add some fluff around custom missions. The cards provided with DS are purely functional and offer nothing in terms of snippets of story to get you invested in the game. Ultimately the aim is to be able to: 1) Play a fully defined scenario with specific fluff text 2) Freely select from the available scenario options and build a story 3) Play a randomised scenario with fluff & story pulled from the multiple variations hidden in the background The ALPHA version that I'm making available for preview and feedback is based on option 2 above, allowing free selection of all story segments. As it's only a proof of concept preview it's neither feature or content complete, so the story options that should be selected for the best experience of what I'm trying to achieve are: 1) A Solitary Tale 2) Dorren Principality 3) Magistrate Braftor Hostenhild 4) Search 1 (ready) 5) A dark woodland… From there, you select the Reveal Zone 1 button to setup the first area of the game using randomized Uncharted Dungeon cards (you can do this manually if you wish) and so on for the subsequent zones (it randomizes missions to be 3 or 4 zones long for variable game experience) It won't do it yet, but the goal is to randomise the minions to be met, the dungeon difficulty setting based on your party level, rewards granted for the mission as well as variable mission types with variable win conditions and a branching quest line so if you fail one mission you'll have a different one to play then if you were successful. I've also included a Party Builder tab that allows entry of your party's names, sex, race, profession and level that I hope in the future to be able to use to 1) generate dungeon difficulty to match the party, 2) reference your character names at various points of the story, up to and including death should it occur :) If you do take a look, let me know what you think and if this would be a good community resource if fully fleshed out, cheers. Last but not least - it's in a trusty excel doc that does feature a Macro to allow the Reveal buttons to work - it's a very short macro function and contains nothing malicious (for those of you that are security conscious) You can get the test version for a quick story build over at: DOWNLOAD: (Download it and open in excel and 'Enable Content' for the Reveal buttons to work)

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